Before you listen to my compositions, I'd like to write a story about how I originally started writing music. So, here's a long story short:
The original inspiration for the first of these songs was that I had lyrics to "Florida My Florida" (Florida's old state song) but no music. I was on a mission to make up some music for the lyrics. After I created the music, which I simply called "Florida My Florida", I showed it to my friends and they loved it. Afterwards, I decided I would like a much more complicated version, and set about creating one. I had loads of trouble playing my "more complicated" version, and finally gave up trying. But a few weeks later, I decided to try playing it again. This time, after some practice, I was able to play it. Then, I decided it needed a new name. "Florida My Florida" was already a song, and it would just confuse people to have two of them. I wrote the music for Florida and didn't want to change its purpose - to compose a patriotic Floridian song. For a long time now I had supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for president (I could say a lot more than that but that would be getting off the subject!) and soon after I wrote the more complicated version of "Florida My Florida", I learned that his campaign slogan was "Make America Florida". I absolutely loved the name, and likewise decided that it would be the perfect name for my piece. So I dropped the lyrics, and my composition became: "Make America Florida"!
Even though Ron DeSantis is no longer running for the presidency, the name just stuck!
Later on I found lyrics to other songs, such as "Florida's the Place for Me" and "Oh! Florida". Just as with "Florida My Florida", I created music for the lyrics and thought of new names.
But it all started with those three words: MAKE AMERICA FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!
The Cheerful Elm