The Presidents Quiz
Fun fact questions about our U.S. presidents!
Who was the shortest president?​
Which president was called "The Peanut President"?
Which president's wife had a library added to the White House?
President John Tyler had no vice president. True or false?
Was President Theodore Roosevelt related to another president?
Who was president during the Civil War?
Which president never voted until his own election?
Which president had polio?
Which president had 15 children?
Which president served the longest?
Who was the only president to earn a P.H.D.?
What job did young Ronald Reagan hold for seven summers, saving 77 people?
Who was the oldest president?
Who was the first president to live in the White House?
Who was the youngest president to be elected?
Who was the youngest person to become president?
Which president was a saxophone player?
Who was the first left-handed president?
Who was the first president to get married in the White House?
What job (other than being president) was held by Andrew Johnson?
Who was the first president to have a Christmas tree in the White House?
Who was the 3rd youngest president?
Who was the first president to speak on television?
Which president owned a peanut farm in Georgia?
Which president is a co-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team?
Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 5th cousin?
Which president was sick with a kidney disease, but kept it a secret?
Which president was born on the 4th of July?
Which president was an actor?
What state was President Ronald Reagan governor of?
Which president was shot (which was an assassination attempt) but recovered?
Four presidents have been assassinated. Who were they?
President Regan appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court. What was her name?
Which president liked cottage cheese and ketchup?
What did President George W. Bush do in high school?
Who was the 1st and only president to resign from office?
Which president sent a message written on a coconut?
George W. Bush is the son of George H. W. Bush. Which other presidents are father and son?
Who was the tallest president?
Who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"?
What candy did President Regan like?
Who was president when the White House website was developed?
Who was the "largest" president?
Who was the first president to speak on the radio?
President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House but acquitted by the Senate. True or false?
Who was president during the start of the Great Depression?
James Madison.
Jimmy Carter.
Millard Fillmore.
Yes. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Abraham Lincoln.
Zachary Taylor.
Franklin Roosevelt
John Tyler.
Franklin Roosevelt.
Woodrow Wilson.
A lifeguard.
Ronald Reagan
John Adams
John Kennedy.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Bill Clinton.
James Garfield.
John Tyler.
A taylor.
Franklin Pirece.
Bill Clinton.
Franklin Roosevelt.
Jimmy Carter.
George W. Bush.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Chester Arthur.
Calvin Coolidge.
Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan.
Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John Kennedy.
Sandra Day O'Connor.
Richard Nixon.
Richard Nixon.
John Kennedy.
John Adams and John Quincy Adams.
Abraham Lincoln.
Francis Scott Key.
Bill Clinton.
William Taft.
Warren Harding.
Herbert Hoover.